2020/2021 Season Update

Summer is almost over and fall hockey is about to begin. At this time, we would like to provide an update on the upcoming season and September dates to help you plan. We also want to offer a glimpse of what NSWC hockey will look like this season.
What We’ve Been Doing
- Developed a new season format following sport-specific return to hockey guidelines. (Click Here).
- Consulted with, and was approved by, local health authority on plans for returning to hockey.
- Implemented a facility-wide safety plan. (Click Here).
- Worked with our insurance provider and legal counsel on risk mitigation.
- Maintained communications with stakeholders regarding the status of return to sport plans.
- Prepared materials (posters, signs, etc.) to remind NSWC members of public health guidelines such as social distancing and hygiene.
Season Start Date
The 2020/21 season will begin for all players September 9-11. This season NSWC will take a different approach to the start of the year.
Player Testing
Traditionally the first time back on the ice for a player is a tryout. Tryouts can place considerable pressure on young athletes. This season, the first few days back on the ice, the NSWC Hockey Department will be running player testing independently of the tryout process.
September 9-11, players will proceed through a number of stations that will measure speed, shot velocity, shot accuracy, agility, etc. This will allow the Hockey Department to begin to build an Athlete Report that includes scores from the recorded tests. These tests are not part of the tryouts. The goal of the tests is to provide players with data on where they started, metric wise, at the beginning of the season. Throughout the course of the year, the Hockey Department will hold test days to evaluate where players have improved and where there is still room for growth. Future testing sessions will be held before Christmas break, at the end of the season, and right before summer break.
At the conclusion of the NSWC Player Testing, age group specific ice times will begin.
U11 (formerly Atom) – September 12
U11 players will follow the Hockey Canada mandated U11 Canadian Player Pathway. Players will be randomly grouped and ran through a minimum of 4 skill sessions starting September 12. At the conclusion of the 4 skill sessions, U11 players who have opted into tryouts, will then proceed with that process.
U13 (Peewee), U15 (Bantam), U18 (Midget) Rep Tryouts – September 12
U13-U18 players will begin tryouts September 12.
U9 – U6 (formerly Initiation or H1- H4)
U9 to U6 players will take part in balancing skates beginning September 19. These sessions are strictly to provide a sense of our young players’ abilities in order to create balanced teams for the season. THIS IS NOT A TRYOUT. Every player makes a team.
U13, U15, U18 Hawks
For players not wishing to participate in the tryout process this season, first team sessions will be September 14-20 depending on age group and team ice time.
Female U18, U15, U13, U11, U9, U7
First ice times for Female teams will be September 14-20 with regular team coaches.
Season Details
While we are waiting on final confirmation of what our season will look like from Via Sport, BC Hockey and the PCAHA, we want to put some rumors to rest and confirm a few details:
- This season WILL look different from past seasons, with the focus being on development and safe competitive play. There will be more emphasis on player skill enhancement, team concepts, and game knowledge.
- NSWC will have tiered competitive teams in the U18-U11 age groups. After tryouts, teams will be selected and players will train and develop with players of a similar skill set.
- NSWC will have increased on-ice Development sessions for all players. In addition to our regular team Development sessions, NSWC has expanded its Hockey Department to include two new Technical Directors: Saylor Preston and Tyson Mulock. Our new Directors will have more impact and influence on all players’ long term development.
- Teams will have increased off-Ice Development. Players will become not only better hockey players but better athletes. Off-Ice Development includes fitness/dryland, off-ice skills, classroom sessions, and teambuilding sessions.
- With the chaos and uncertainty in today’s world, our players will have a safe, healthy and fun environment to play the game they love. In going above and beyond the Health Authority guidelines for returning to play, NSWC is committed to providing players and their families a safe environment and experience that is second to none.
Fall Development Programs
This fall, a variety of hockey programs will also be offered to members. These programs are extra on-ice development opportunities that your children (boys and girls) are welcome to take part in from the end of September until Christmas break.
- Learn To Skate
- Cookie Monsters
- Power Skating
- Power Edge Pro
- Shooting & Stick Handling
- D-Skills
- Edge Work
- Female Adult Skills & 3on3
Click HERE to register on GameTime.
Benefits of Being a NSWC Member
The NSWC owns and operates its own ice rinks. If ViaSport decides to restrict play to inter-association games only, we will be able to provide development opportunities and run NSWC in-house competitive play in accordance with Vancouver Coastal Health. This program will be available to club members only.
Current PHO Orders and Restrictions in Place:
- Physical Distancing of at least two metres.
- Frequent hand hygiene.
- Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting.
- No sharing of equipment or water bottles; bring your own water bottle.
- Avoid physical contact with others, including shaking hands, high fives, body checking etc.
- No spitting.
- If you live in a household with someone who has COVID-19 or is showing symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home.
- Self-isolation for individuals who have symptoms of COVID-19 for a minimum of 10 days (or 14 days if returning to Canada from another country).
- Symptom screening for staff and participants.
A reminder that if at any point you or your child feel you may have Covid-19 symptoms, please follow these important steps: stay home, go through the self-assessment procedures and call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1. Your child’s position on a team will never be compromised for doing the right thing and helping stop the spread of COVID-19.
We understand that families may have different comfort levels with the risks associated with returning to hockey; ultimately individuals need to assess the NSWC’s skills-based return to play program and make an informed decision that best suits their family’s risk tolerance.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the NSWC Hockey Department:
- Bob McCuaig (bmccuaig@nswc.ca) – Director of Hockey Operations
- Emily Allen (eallen@nswc.ca) – Hockey Operations Coordinator
- Saylor Preston (spreston@nswc.ca) – Technical Director
- Tyson Mulock (tmulock@nswc.ca) – Technical Director