2021-2022 Tentative Hockey Schedule & Important Dates

Dear Members,
With the 2021-2022 Minor Hockey Season just around the corner, we wanted to send everyone the tentative game and practice schedule per team.
We also have included some key dates for September skates. A detailed schedule will be communicated to everyone next week.
Tentative 2021-2022 Team Game & Practice Schedule: https://nswc.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Team-by-Team-Schedule-3.pdf
Important September Dates:
- Testing: Sept 8
- U6 balancing starts: Sept 9
- U11 & U18 Tryouts Start: Sept 10
- U13 & U15 Tryouts Start: Sept 11
- U7 – U9 Balancing Skates Start: Sept 11
- Female practices start: Sept 11 & 12
- U13 Tryout Re-Assignments: Evening of Sept 12
- Goalie Testing: Sun Sept 12 morning
- U13 Tryout Re-Assignments: Evening of Sept 16
- Goalie Skills Evaluations & Re-Assignments: Sept 17
- U11 Tryout RE-Assignments: Sept 17 & 1
- Regular ice times start: Sept 20
*Testing for U6 – U9 & Tyke/Novice female will take place once at a team practice time – coordinated by Tyson Mulock
Female September Ice (Since teams are already formed):
– Testing – Sept 9th:
- U11: 5:15pm – 6:15pm (Small ice)
- U13: 5pm – 6pm (Large)
- U18: 6:15pm – 7:15pm (Large)
- *No testing for U6 or Tyke Girls
– September practice Ice
- U11:
- Sept 12th 12pm (Large)
- Sept 18th 12:15pm (Small)
- U13:
- Sept 11th 6:30pm (small ice)
- Sept 13th 5:00pm (Large)
- Sept 18th 1:30pm (Small)
- U18:
- Sept 12th 4pm (Large)
- Sept 18 2:45pm – 4:15pm (Large – Exhibition game slot)
- Novice:
- Sept 12th 1:00pm (HTC)
- Sept 18th 11:00am (Small)
- Tyke:
- Sept 12th 2:45pm (Small)
- Sept 18th 9:45am (Small)
– Regular ice times start Sept 20 (see attached tentative team schedule)
If your child is registered for tryouts, you will be receiving your groups and schedules next week.
Thank you,
NSWC Hockey Department
NSWC Minor Hockey Committee