My family and I joined NSWC in 2017 we actively participate in Hockey, Tennis, Marlins, Pickleball and as many social events we can. I enjoy volunteering my time to make our experience and the rest of the members experience the best it can be. I believe that getting involved is the only way to make positive change.
As an already very active NSWC member, volunteer, and current board member I am seeking re-election to the Board of Directors. The past few years have been very interesting to say the least. With one term under my belt and a pandemic hopefully in the rear-view, I am looking forward to working hard with the other Board of Directors trying to achieve the NSWC’s strategic goals and Objectives.
I work full time at the District of West Vancouver where I manage and lead a team who provide municipal services and information to residents and visitors at Municipal Hall from Property Taxes, Utilities, Permits, Bylaw infractions and anything else the public is seeking. Currently, I sit on several work-related committees: the safety committee, recognition committee and Municipal Hall info committee. Formerly I sat on the District of West Vancouver’s North Shore Emergency Management Communication committee.