Call Out for Nominations for Board of Directors

Dear Members,
Make a Difference at your Club.
The North Shore Winter Club’s Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for the 2023 – 2026 Board of Directors. Members of the Board of Directors are elected by a majority vote of the membership at the November 09, 2023 Annual General Meeting. Directors serve as volunteers without compensation.
The primary responsibility of the Board is to foster the long-term success of the operations of the North Shore Winter Club (“NSWC” or the “Club”) consistent with the Board’s fiduciary responsibilities to the Members.
The Nominating Committee will be taking nominations for three (3) open positions for Directors to be elected at the Annual General Meeting. If you are willing and able to contribute your time, energy, and progressive ideas to support the NSWC or if you know someone who would be an asset to the Club in a leadership position, please fill out a nomination form and return it to the Executive Coordinator, or Member Services by 5:00 pm on Friday October 06, 2023.
About the Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee reviews and recommends candidates from the Membership for election to the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting. The Nominating Committee is independent of the current Board of Directors and is comprised of individuals with a high degree of awareness of the role of a Director and the requirements of the Club.
Board Term
The term for Board members is three (3) years effective from the date of appointment.
Responsibilities and Obligations
As a member of the Board of Directors, an individual must be willing and capable to commit to the Club’s vision to be a thriving, well balanced, family-oriented private club with quality sports and social facilities to suit the needs of our members. A member of the Board of Directors has the following responsibilities:
- Exercise good judgment and act with integrity.
- Have the ability to put the interests of the Club first and make decisions that are in the greater interest of the majority of membership.
- Attend and participate in all in-person Board meetings. Board meetings are held monthly, typically ten times per year.
- Be prepared for Board and Committee meetings by reviewing reports and background materials in advance.
- Maintain confidentiality of all matters discussed in NSWC closed sessions.
- Establish an effective, independent and respected presence and a collegial relationship with other Board members.
- Have an open mind and put aside any self-interest.
- Focus inquiries on issues related to direction setting, strategy, policy, implementation and results rather than issues relating to the day to day management of the Club.
- Participate in the development, prioritization, and implementation of projects intended to further goals in the NSWC strategic plan.
- Participate on committees and become knowledgeable about the purpose and goals of the committee, the process of committee work, and the role of management and staff supporting the committee.
- Stay informed of and meet all legal and fiduciary responsibilities.
- Maintain an understanding of the regulatory, legislative, athletic, social and political environments within which the Club operates.
- Be a positive influence on other members and set an example by abiding by all Club rules and policies.
- Be an effective ambassador and representative of the Club.
Nomination Particulars
Members standing for election must be active full members (Single, Couple or Family Member) and in good standing.
Nominations should be in writing and contain the following information:
- A completed Application Form by the nominee and short Curriculum Vitae of the nominee (max 1/2 page): qualifications, experience, knowledge, skills etc.
- 5 completed Nomination Forms with one (1) nominator name and one (1) nominator signature.
Applications and all attachments must be submitted by 5:00 pm Friday October 06, 2023 to Member Services or
Thank you.
The Nominating Committee and Management
- Nomination BOD Form 2022
pdf, 105.14 KB - Application Form BOD Form 2022
pdf, 162.88 KB