Committee Minutes

Committee minutes are available upon request.  Please contact Natalie at with the committee name and meeting date(s) for specific minutes.  All minutes must be approved by the Committee and Board before release, so please allow for 1-2 months lead time.

Interested in Volunteering on a Committee?

There is a lot happening at the Club right now!  What better time to volunteer a few hours a month for whatever sport, cause, or passion project you believe in.  In the current NSWC Strategic Plan, one of our key principles and values is that “The North Shore Winter Club will be well-governed.”  In that effort, we have identified the following Strategies:

  • The Board and Committees will be demographically well-balanced, with members representing all profiles of the Club.
  • The Club will follow the Strategic Plan and continually update it at annual Board retreats.
  • The various Committee’s will be connected to the Board and the Strategic Plan, and be aware of the Club’s Mission and Vision and Goals.
  • New Board Members will be provided with an effective ‘on-boarding’ process.
  • The Board, Committees, and Staff will operate with exceptional professionalism, ethics, and transparency.
  • The communication/decision making process will follow best practices, such as; GM to President to Executive Committee to Board to Members.
  • The Club will have an effective ‘House Committee’ to address any discipline within the membership.
  • The Board will annually review the Club’s Rules and Policies.

We are often seeking new volunteers to join the many dozens of volunteers currently sitting on our various committees.  Committees include Finance, Facilities,  Membership, House, Minor Hockey, Governance, Long Range Planning, Tennis/Pickleball, and Marlins.

Selection Process Of Sports Committee Members

In simple terms the process is as follows:

  • The Board of Directors will select the new committee members with the support and advice of the Sports Director, the General Manager, the existing Chair and the Board Liaison to the sports committee.
  • The committee will consist of a smaller number of members who will be involved in policy and procedure, and the governance of the annual events including scheduling, budgeting, and the assignment of subcommittees.
  • The committee will assign volunteers from outside of the committee to form subcommittees which will be responsible for the organization of tournaments, meets, events and activities which run throughout the year/season.
  • The core committee will consist of at least 6 members. There will be a committee chair (appointed by the board), a vice-chair, secretary, and treasurer, and two to four others. It is hoped to have a cross representation of the entire sports community on the committee. Committee members will be expected to attend meetings once a month for the designated months of the sport season (as per the Committee’s TOR).
  • Those volunteering for subcommittees running tournaments or events will not be required to attend monthly meetings but will be asked to attend one or two core committee meetings when the events are approaching and being organized.

If you are interested in a position on one of the committees, please forward your applications to the Board liaison to the sports committee or to  Your application should include: a brief letter outlining your interest, experience on committees either professional or volunteer, and any particular skill set. Please submit applications at least two weeks prior to the sport AGM.

If you would like to volunteer to assist with one of the tournaments, meets, or events please email the Committee Chair directly.   Please indicate which tournament, meet or event you are interested in volunteering for.

If you have any further questions regarding this process, please contact TC Carling, or Graham Wilson, .

More Information

If you are interested in joining a Committee, please contact us and the Committee Chair will follow up with you.

For further information, please email us at