Dues Increase May 2019

Dear NSWC Members,
It is the responsibility of the Board to ensure the Members enjoy the best experiences possible, and that delivering those experiences are done in a fiscally responsible manner.
In determining the annual operating budget, the goal of both Management and the Board is to “enhance member experience and service in a safe environment” (as stated in the club’s strategic plan), while managing escalating costs necessary to operate the Club.
At the present time, Club operations in 2018-19 are expected to show a net operating loss at our fiscal year end (April 30), due mainly to the reduction in program revenues, challenges from food & beverage as well as uncontrolled cost increases and expenses.
In addition, we were faced with other rising costs such as;
- Increases in Property tax (120% rise over the past 4 years) & Insurance ($35,000)
- The New Employer Health Tax ($30,000)
- Rising Wage costs including the increase to minimum wage ($39,000)
- Increased costs to maintain equipment & operating levels ($78,000)
As a result, and after careful review and debate, the Board has concluded that in order to satisfy the Club’s current and future needs (for this year and subsequent years) it is necessary to increase member’s dues.
Effective May 1, 2019 member monthly dues will increase 5%. You will notice this on your May 2019 Member Statement. Attached HERE is the fees and dues schedule for 2019 (please note these fees are exclusive of GST).
We are cognizant that any dues increase impacts all of our members, but like other Clubs and businesses, small increases are sometimes required to off-set rising costs in today’s economy.
Rest assured the Board and Management will continue to strive to deliver the best experience possible to our Members, and that delivering ‘value’ remains our number one goal.
As always, any questions you may have on this matter may be sent via email to the General Manager or Board.
Board of Directors & Finance Committee