NSWC Public

2025 NSWC Female Faceoff – February 14-17, 2025

2025 Female Faceoff  Tournament
Registration Information

The North Shore Winter Club is pleased to invite you to participate in the 3rd Annual Female Faceoff Tournament being played February 14-17, 2025. Hosted by the North Shore Winter Club, North Vancouver, BC. This is a U9, U11, U13 Rec and U15 Rec Tournament.

The registration link included below is where you will go to apply for the tournament. Please drop off or mail your cheque to the North Shore Winter Club (1325 E Keith Rd, North Vancouver, BC V7J 1J3).

Our goal is to make each division as competitive as possible, that is why we are taking applications and will review with our tournament committee before accepting. Those teams who are accepted will be notified no later than November 20, 2024.

Please find a brief summary of the tournament information below:



Tournament Fees:





Include the following to register your team for the NSWC Female Faceoff Hockey Tournament





Tournament Contact:  You may email Josh Walls at jwalls@nswc.ca with any questions or concerns


Tournament ID: 2924



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