Last Updated – April 24, 2023
U9- U6 (formerly Initiation or H1- H4)
U9 to U6 players will take part in balancing skates beginning September 18th. These sessions will strictly be to get a sense of our young players’ abilities in order to create balanced teams for the season. THIS IS NOT A TRYOUT. Every player makes a team.
U13, U15 & U18 Hawks
For players not wishing to take part in the tryout process this season, your first team sessions will be the week of September 18th-25th depending on age group and team ice time.
Female U15, U13, U11, U9, U7
For our Female teams your first ice times will be the week of September 18th-25th with your regular team coaches.
Season Details
The information in this email is subject to change. Please find hyperlinks to the following documents:
Tryout Process – Click (TBD)
- U11 Hockey Canada Skates (groups same as Tryouts) & Schedule –
- Tryout Groups & Schedule –
- U11-U18 Season Information – Click (TBD)
- Coaches
- Number of Teams
- Roster Size
- Tentative Team Ice Schedule
2023-24 Hockey Canada Registration: April 25, 2023
Welcome back for another hockey season!
Our Minor Hockey Registration will be open for returning players on Tuesday, April 25th at 10:00AM. You will notice the registration platform is on the usual Hockey Canada Registrar (HCR).
Returning players will have priority registration until June 1st.
PLEASE READ** – If you are a new player, would like to transfer to the NSWC to play hockey, or have a sibling already playing here, please contact our registrar Tasha (registrar@nswc.ca) for further help and more information.
Transfers from outside NSWC must be approved before you can register. Any discounts will be honored once transfers can be accepted. Please contact Evan Richardson (erichardson@nswc.ca) with any questions.
New players (players that have not played before) are required to send in documents prior to registering. If you have not played for any Minor Hockey Association please contact Tasha at registrar@nswc.ca . Once the documents have been submitted, you are then able to register.”

2023-2024 Minor Hockey Registration
We have developed a program that will allow players to focus on improving their overall athleticism as well as their skill as a hockey player.
- Base Registration Fees
- Rep Tryout Fees
- Coach & Team Development Fees
- Team Fees
1. Base Hockey Registration Fees
All U6-U18 players will be required to pay the base registration fee with their registration and do not include coach & team development fees. This is the base fee amount that is based on the standardized elements that are provided to every player. This includes, but not limited to:
- Ice Activity Fee
- BC Hockey & PCAHA Fees
- Regularly scheduled games & practices (2 practices/skill dev & 1 home game)
- Jerseys, socks, & team gear
- Team Snap fees
- Certifications/Team supplies/Coach equipment
- Awards/Banquet
- Player testing & software; detailed player evaluations
- Administrative, referee in chief, ongoing coach support & mentorship
Early Bird Registration Fees
– Early Bird Pricing Deadling: June 1st :
– Returning Player Registration Deadline: July 1st:
U6 – Early Bird Rate – $960/ Regular Reg Fee = $960
U7/U8/U9 – Early Bird Rate – $960 / Regular Registration Fee – $960
U11/U13/U15/U18 – Early Bird Rate – $1070 / Regular Registration Fee – $1150
Tryout Fee (U11 – U18) Early Bird Rate – $150 / Regular Registration Fee – $150
Initiation (U6-U9, Tyke & Novice):TBD
*1/2 of the Female Tyke or Novice registration fees are waived for their first year of hockey
o When choosing which level to register your child, please be aware of the following when choosing what level/category they should be registered in:
- “A” means REP hockey
- U11A, U13A, U15A, U18 A, means that your son or daughter will be trying out for rep, and will incur the tryout fee of $150.00. The $150.00 non-refundable fee will be charged to your member account on your August statement for those players attending tryouts.
- “C” means house hockey, where tryouts will not be needed. No tryout fee will be assessed
- If you sign up for “C” or House hockey, season will commence later than rep hockey in September
2. Rep Tryout Fee (optional)
Tryouts for U11 to U18 will occur on or after September 5th. Please note, players must attend all sessions. A $150.00 non-refundable fee will be charged to your member account on your September statement for those players attending tryouts.
– ** Those who sign up for rep “A” hockey will be charged the $150.00 fee
NOTE – “A” represents Rep (Tryouts), and “C” represents Hawks (No tryouts)
3. Coaching & Development Team Fees
These will be charged based on division, roster size and number of development sessions allocated to each team. To ensure that players are receiving top-end development at all levels, these fees will include:
- Professional Coaching fees (Rep & Female)
- Group Goalie Sessions
- Private Goalie specific development per team
- Dryland
- Educational sessions: mental training, nutritional seminars, future planning etc.
This allows for consistency in the program at all levels, and provides families with more transparency into the overall team cost, which will then be billed based on the final roster sizes. These fees will be finalized in October.
U11-U18 Hawks & Female C teams can expect lower team fees of between $300-$900, where rep teams can expect fees between $800-$2500 per player. These fees will be finalized in September 2023.
*Tyke/Novice/U6-U9 Team Development Fees included in Registration
4. Team Fees (Managed by the team with optional costs)
For all levels, parents will be asked to pay an additional team fee, based on the team budget developed by the team manager. A parent meeting must be held at the beginning of each season for the manager to present the proposed budget and seek parental input and approval. The budget must also be submitted to the NSWC Hockey Department for final approval. These fees are determined by the team and could include, but not limited to:
- On-ice Skill Development
- Tournament Expenses
- Referee Payments
- Additional team apparel
- Extra skill development or dryland sessions
- Team Building events
- Team photos
- Coaching software: video analysis
- Coach gifts
- Other team costs determined by the team
A $500 deposit will be charged on members’ June statement to hold the player’s spot. This will be fully refundable if your player makes a BC Hockey High-Performance team. The remainder of the Base Registration fee will be charged to your August statement.
A $150 non-refundable tryout fee will be charged to your member account on your September statement for those players attending tryouts. Registration for Tryouts on Game Time, click HERE.
The Coaching & Team Development fees will be charged in 3 equal installments, once roster sizes are finalized: Oct, Nov, Dec. If any families are in need of additional assistance, we encourage you to reach out so we can help to support your family.
If you have any questions about your statement, please contact accounting@nswc.ca.
Registration Refund Policy
The following refunds will be granted:
1. 100% until July 1st
2. 50% July 2nd – until the commencement of tryouts for the player’s respective age group
3. No refund will be issued once the Rep tryouts have begun for the player’s respective age group
4. 100% in the event the player succeeds in getting rostered to a BC Zone, Junior or Academy team.
5. 100% if there is no team offered in the player’s respective age group or if there is no rep team in the player’s respective age group and the player leaves to play at the rep level elsewhere.