Minor Hockey
NSWC Minor Hockey Program
One of the biggest assets of the NSWC is the strength of its hockey program and hockey brand. The program is nationally recognized and is the major driver of membership at the Club. Dominated by one of the strongest coaching lineups, additional ice times, enhanced skill development, and off-ice training, the NSWC is one of the premium choices for hockey.
NSWC Hockey prides itself on offering the most comprehensive hockey development based on LTAD principles for all ages and skill ranges of any association in the world. We work hard to shape teams and players at every level so that they are ready to compete and be successful. Not only is there a focus on skill/athletic development, but also fundamental movements, life-skills, teamwork, confidence, sportsmanship, leadership and respect throughout all ages and levels.
For Minor Hockey Registration information,please visit our Program and Registration page.

Cookie Monsters (age 4-7)
The Cookie Monsters program is coached by professional hockey coaches, who will facilitate the love for hockey at an early age. This program is designed for players who can skate, and have graduated from the Learn to Skate program. This is an NSWC program, and is not recognized by the PCAHA.
U7 & U9
Recognized by Hockey Canada. To play in this Minor Hockey program, all players must be members of the NSWC and will have the ability to develop their skills while being a part of a team environment. The NSWC seeks to maximize the player development throughout these age levels. Teams will be split in to Major and Minor based on skill level to maximize effectiveness and devleopment in pracrtices. Teams will be balanced across the Minor and Major denominations. Teams play games on the Small Ice/HTC, or Large ice (Large ice is for U9 only, beginning after Jan 15th). Goaltender rotation is encouraged for all players (unless a fulltime goalie is designated).
U11, U13, U15, U18
The Minor Hockey program includes players in a two-stream process. The recreational stream (C/Hawks program) is designed for recreational players looking for a great experience in a fun, structured environment. The Rep (A Hockey) stream is designed for more experienced players with an emphasis on improving individual and team skills in a more competitive environment.
Female U15, U13, U11, U9, U7
For our Female teams your first ice times will be the week of September 18th-25th with your regular team coaches.
2024-2025 Team Game & Practice Schedule
2024-2025 Team Game and Practice Schedule
Hockey Canada Registration
Hockey Canada Registration
Registration for the 2023-2024 season is closed etc.
Stay tuned for more information on how, where, and when to register for the 2024-2025 Minor Hockey Season!
PLEASE READ** – If you are a new player, would like to transfer to the NSWC to play hockey, or have a sibling already playing here, please contact our registrar Tasharegistrar@nswc.cafor further help and more information.
Transfers from outside NSWC must be approved before you can register. Any discounts will be honored once transfers can be accepted. Please contact Evan Richardsonerichardson@nswc.cawith any questions.
New players (players that have not played before) are required to send in documents prior to registering. If you have not played for any Minor Hockey Association please contact Tasha atregistrar@nswc.ca Once the documents have been submitted, you are then able to register.
New Player Minor Hockey Registrations
Please visit the Hockey Canada Registrar (HCR)Platform for information regarding the 2024-2025 Season
New players wanting to transfer to the NSWC to play hockey, or have a sibling already playing at the NSWC, please contact our registrar registrar@nswc.ca for further help and more information.
Transfers from outside NSWC must be approved before you can register.
Any discounts will be honored once transfers can be accepted.
Please contact Kyle Turris, Director, Hockey (kturris@nswc.ca) with any questions.
New players (players that have not played before) are required to send in documents prior to registering. If you have not played for any Minor Hockey Association please contact registrar@nswc.ca
Once the documents have been submitted, you are then able to register.
Returning Player Minor Hockey Registration
Please visit the Hockey Canada Registrar (HCR)Platform for information regarding the 2024-2025 Season
Welcome back for another hockey season!
Our Minor Hockey Registration is now OPEN for returning players. You will notice the registration platform is on the usual Hockey Canada Registry (HCR).
Returning players will have priority registration until May 15th. Registration will close on June 15th for returning players.
PLEASE READ** – If you are a new player, would like to transfer to the NSWC to play hockey, or have a sibling already playing here, please contact our registrar Tasha (registrar@nswc.ca) for further help and more information.
- Early Bird Pricing deadline: May 15th
- Registration link:
- (HERE)
- You also should be able to access the registration by logging in to your HCR profile and clicking “Register”
- When choosing which level to register your child, please be aware of the following when choosing what level/category they should be registered in:
- “A” means REP hockey
- U11A, U13A, U15A, U18 A, means that your son or daughter will be trying out for rep, and will incur the tryout fee of $150.00. The $150.00 non-refundable fee will be charged to your member account on your August statement for those players attending tryouts.
- “C” means house hockey, where tryouts will not be needed. No tryout fee will be assessed
- “A” means REP hockey
- When choosing which level to register your child, please be aware of the following when choosing what level/category they should be registered in:
If you sign up for “C” or House hockey, season will commence later than rep hockey in September
In an effort to provide a full overview for members of the various fees and financial expectations for NSWC minor hockey players, we will provide an outline of all fees that have been set for the upcoming season.
- Hockey Registration Fees
All U6-U18 players will be required to pay the base registration fee with their registration and do not include coach & team development fees. This is the base fee amount that is based on the standardized elements that are provided to every player. This includes, but not limited to:
- NSWC Ice Activity Fee
- BC Hockey & PCAHA Fees
- Regularly scheduled games & practices (2 practices/skill dev & 1 home game)
- Jerseys, socks, & team gear
- Team Snap fees
- Certifications/Team supplies/Coach equipment
- Awards/Banquet
- Administrative, Referee in Chief, ongoing coach support & mentorship
U7/U9 | $ 990** | $ 990** |
U11/U13/U15/U18 | $ 1,100 | $ 1180 |
Tryout Fee (U11-U18) | $ 150 | $ 150 |
**- 1/2 of the U6 or Female U7 registration fees are waived for their first year of hockey
- Coaching & Development Team Fees
These will be charged based on division, roster size and number of development sessions allocated to each team. To ensure that players are receiving top-end development at all levels, these fees will include:
- Professional Coaching fees (Rep & Female)
- Goalie specific development (private & group)
- Dryland
- Educational sessions: mental training, nutritional seminars, future planning etc.
This allows for consistency in the program at all levels, and provides families with more transparency into the overall team cost, which will then be billed based on the final roster sizes.
U11-U18 Hawks & Female C teams can expect lower team fees of between $300-$900, where rep teams can expect fees between $800-$2500 per player. These fees will be finalized in September.
- *U6-U9 Team Development Fees included in Registration
- Team Fees (Managed by the team)
For all levels, parents will be asked to pay a team fee, based on the team budget developed by the team manager. A parent meeting must be held at the beginning of each season for the manager to present the proposed budget and seek parental input and approval. The budget must also be submitted to the NSWC Hockey Department for final approval. These fees are determined by the team and could include, but not limited to:
- Tournament Expenses
- Referee Payment
- Additional team apparel
- Extra skill development or dryland sessions
- Additional Outside Ice
- Team Building events
- Team photos
- Coaching software: video analysis
- Coach gifts
- Other team costs determined by the team
- Rep Tryout Fee (optional)
Tryouts for U11 to U18 will occur on or after September 5th. Please note, players must attend all sessions. A $150.00 non-refundable fee will be charged to your member account on your September statement for those players attending tryouts.
- ** Those who sign up for rep “A” hockey will be charged the $150.00 fee
NOTE – “A” represents Rep (Tryouts), and “C” represents Hawks (No tryouts)
A $500 deposit will be charged on members’ June statement to hold the player’s spot. This will be fully refundable if your player makes a BC Hockey High-Performance team. The remainder of the Base Registration fee will be charged to your August statement.
A $150 non-refundable tryout fee will be charged to your member account on your September statement for those players attending tryouts.
The Coaching & Team Development fees will be charged in 3 equal installments, once roster sizes are finalized: Oct, Nov, Dec. If any families need additional assistance, we encourage you to reach out so we can help to support your family.
The following refunds will be granted:
- 100% until May 15th
- 50% until June 15th
- No refund after June 15th until the commencement of tryouts for the player’s respective age group, or September 1st (non-tryout cases)
- 100% refund in the event the player succeeds in getting rostered to a BC Zone, OR Junior team.
- 100% refund if there is no team offered in the player’s respective age group or if there is no rep team in the player’s respective age group and the player leaves to play at the rep level elsewhere.
Please send all registration questions and inquiries to Tasha Breland (registrar@nswc.ca).
- NSWC Hockey Department
2023-2024 Minor Hockey Tryout Process
- The tryout groups will be set alphabetically; goalies will move around to ensure there is at least one per team. Players will not be allowed to change groups throughout Phase 1.
- All games will have a 2-minute shift buzzer to ensure all players get equal ice time. Benches will have supervisors to ensure no kids are cutting lines.
Scores & Ranking System
- Per the Hockey Canada Guidelines set out for tryouts, players will be given a score out of 5 per skate from each evaluator. An average will be reached given these numbers, and working groups will be decided based off of these numbers.
Pre-Phase (Sept 5th –8th)
- All players in U11 are mandated by Hockey Canada to follow the U11 Pathway which requires players to have 4 ice times that are not evaluated before the first official tryout session. These skates will begin Tuesday, September 5th and conclude Friday, September 8th. Groups will be decided in alphabetical order. Players will be divided into 4 groups. Please bring your own jersey to wear for these skates, as no tryouts jersey will be required as these skates are not evaluated.
The HC Skates schedule will be as follows:
Tryout Phase 1 (Sept 9th – 12th)
Players will be assigned into one of four tryouts groups (alphabetically chosen) where they will play and be evaluated in one (1) skills evaluation skate, and three (3) scrimmages. After the third scrimmage, the groups will then be divided into 4 new teams: Black vs Red and Green v White. Once the new teams have been made, another evaluation game will take place.
The game layout will be as follows
- Saturday, September 9th – Skills Evaluation Skate
- Sunday, September 10th – Evaluation Games (E vs F / A vs B / C vs D) & (A vs E / B vs D / C vs F)
- Monday, September 11th - Evaluation Game (C vs E & D vs A & B vs F)
- At the conclusion of the Monday’s games, players will be emailed with their reassignment for the following days Evaluation Game.
- Tuesday, September 12th - Evaluation Game (Black vs Red & Green vs White)
- At the conclusion of the Tuesday game, players will then be emailed with their reassignment for Working Groups - Phase 2.
- Phase 1 scores & working groups will be reviewed by the Hockey Department and Minor Hockey Committee prior to being finalized, and players will be emailed with their reassignment for Working Groups – Phase 2.
Working Groups - Phase 2 (September 13th – 25th)
- Phase 2 will have our players based in working groups with the A1, A2, A3 and A4 coaches. The players will now partake in both exhibition games and practices with their teams before final reassignments for the season.
- Schedules for Working Groups - Phase 2 (September 13th – 25th) are a work in progress, as exhibition games are scheduled in the next couple of weeks.
- In Phase 2, players will still have the opportunity to move up should they prove exceptional in their current working groups. This decision would be based on feedback from both the working group coach and the coach from team above, working together with the Hockey Department.
Goalies will be assigned to each skills skate, a team (sent out beforehand), and they will have their own specific Goalie Skates at the following times:
- Sunday, September 10th – Goalie Skate #1 @ 11:30AM
- Tuesday, September 12th – Goalie Skate #2 @ 4:30PM
Tryout Phase 1 (Sept 5th – 9th)
Players will be assigned into one of four tryouts groups where they will play and be evaluated in one (1) skills evaluation skate, and three (3) scrimmages After the third scrimmage, the groups will then be divided into 4 new teams: Orange vs Grey and Red vs Blue. Once the new teams have been made, another evaluation game will take place.
The game layout will be as follows:
- Tuesday, September 5th
- Skills Evaluation Skate (Groups A & B)
- Evaluation Game 1: C vs D
- Wednesday, September 5th
- Skills Evaluation Skate (Groups C & D)
- Evaluation Game 2: A vs B
- Thursday, September 7th
- Evaluation Games 3 & 4 (B vs D & A vs C)
- Evaluation Games 3 & 4 (B vs D & A vs C)
- Friday, September 8th
- Evaluation Games 5 & 6 (C vs B, A vs D)
- At the conclusion of the Friday game, players will be emailed with their reassignment for the following days Evaluation Game.
- Saturday, September 9th – Orange vs Grey and Red vs Blue Games
- At the conclusion of the Saturday game, players will then be emailed with their reassignment for the Working Group - Phase 2.
- Phase 1 scores & working groups will be reviewed by the Hockey Department and Minor Hockey Committee prior to being finalized and players will be emailed with their reassignment for Working Groups – Phase 2..
Working Groups - Phase 2 (September 10th – 24th)
- Phase 2 will have our players based in working groups with the A1, A2, A3 and A4 coaches. The players will now partake in both exhibition games and practices with their teams before final reassignments for the season.
- Schedules for Working Groups - Phase 2 (September 10th – 24th) are a work in progress, as exhibition games are scheduled in the next couple of weeks.
- In Phase 2, players will still have the opportunity to move up should they prove exceptional in their current working groups. This decision would be based on feedback from both the working group coach and the coach from team above, working together with the Hockey Department.
Goalies will be assigned to each skills skate, a team (sent out beforehand), and they will have their own specific Goalie Skates at the following times:
- Thursday, September 7th – Goalie Skate #1 @ 4:30PM (Large Ice)
- Friday, September 8th – Goalie Skate #2 @ 4:30PM (Large Ice)
U15 & U18
Working Groups (Sept 5th – 9th)
- The U15 & U18 levels will go straight to their working groups with the A1, A2 (U15), and Hawks teams. The players will partake in both practices, and exhibition games with their teams before final reassignments for the season.
- Schedules for the Working Groups are a work in progress, as exhibition games are scheduled in the next couple of weeks.
• Evaluators are selected annually by the Hockey Department and Minor Hockey Committee to assess and score each player. Player scores are then used to form Working Groups.
• Evaluators are formally reviewed by the Hockey Department and the MHC to ensure that no conflict of interest exists. E.g. relatives participating in the division being assessed.
• They possess a high-level of hockey knowledge and experience.
• Evaluators are not provided player names. Scoring is done against tryout jersey numbers, which is then provided to the Hockey Department for data entry.
• Each division will have a minimum of 4 evaluators
• The Upper Viewing Area will be closed to all parents, and will be for EVALUATORS ONLY
• Evaluators may include the head coaches of that divisions rep teams and may also include assistant coaches.
• A lead evaluator will be assigned to each division to ensure each player received a proper evaluation and that all evaluation criteria are considered.
• Goalie evaluation skates will be managed and graded by a NSWC goalie coach.
• This same goalie coach will be responsible for evaluating the goalies during the scrimmage games.
Communication Guidelines
• Parents would not be able to contact NSWC hockey staff until the final selections for each team had been made. Requests for additional feedback or to dispute a selection must be submitted via email and contain an outline of reasoning for the request/dispute.
• At this stage parents could be, based on the discretion of the Hockey Director, provided the rankings of where their child fit in the overall evaluation process.
• Any parent who does not follow these communication guidelines, harasses the hockey staff, or is disruptive within their assigned team will face a 2-week suspension from hockey related activities at the NSWC.
Parent Responsibilities
Parents are reminded to adhere to the NSWC Code of Conduct as well as the following:
• Evaluators are not to be approached or communicated with directly about the tryouts or players’ score / performance.
• Remain in designated viewing areas during the tryout process (evaluators at ice-level, parents in designated viewing areas).
• Issues must be resolved through the Conflict Resolution Process, to the “24-hr no contact” rule.
• Review online and printed material related to the tryout process – be educated before your player participates.
Player Evaluation Scores
• Per Hockey Canada guidelines, each player will receive a 1 to 5 score as an overall hockey player
• Each evaluator will record their score out of 5, and scores will be averaged between all evaluators scores
• These reports will create an automated, overall average score for each player
• A ranking against all players based on their overall average score following evaluation will be given.
• Goalies will be evaluated by Goalie Coaches during the practices, games, and goalie skates.
2023-2024 Fee Structure
Minor Hockey Registration
In an effort to provide a full overview for members of the various fees and financial expectations for NSWC minor hockey players, we will provide an outline of all fees that have been set for the upcoming season.
We have developed a program that will allow players to focus on improving their overall athleticism as well as their skill as a hockey player.
- Base Registration Fees
- Rep Tryout Fees
- Coach & Team Development Fees
- Team Fees
Base Hockey Registration Fees
All U6-U18 players will be required to pay the base registration fee with their registration and do not include coach & team development fees. This is the base fee amount that is based on the standardized elements that are provided to every player. This includes, but not limited to:
- Ice Activity Fee
- BC Hockey & PCAHA Fees
- Regularly scheduled games & practices (2 practices/skill dev & 1 home game)
- Jerseys, socks, & team gear
- Team Snap fees
- Certifications/Team supplies/Coach equipment
- Awards/Banquet
- Player testing & software; detailed player evaluations
- Administrative, referee in chief, ongoing coach support & mentorship
Early Bird Registration Fees
– Early Bird Pricing Deadline: June 1st :
– Returning Player Registration Deadline: July 1st:
U6 – Early Bird Rate – $960/ Regular Reg Fee = $960
U7/U8/U9 – Early Bird Rate – $960 / Regular Registration Fee – $960
U11/U13/U15/U18 – Early Bird Rate – $1070 / Regular Registration Fee – $1150
Tryout Fee (U11 – U18) Early Bird Rate – $150 / Regular Registration Fee – $150
Initiation (U6-U9, Tyke & Novice):TBD
*1/2 of the Female Tyke or Novice registration fees are waived for their first year of hockey
When choosing which level to register your child, please be aware of the following when choosing what level/category they should be registered in:
- “A” means REP hockey
- U11A, U13A, U15A, U18 A, means that your son or daughter will be trying out for rep, and will incur the tryout fee of $150.00. The $150.00 non-refundable fee will be charged to your member account on your August statement for those players attending tryouts.
- “C” means house hockey, where tryouts will not be needed. No tryout fee will be assessed
- If you sign up for “C” or House hockey, season will commence later than rep hockey in September
Rep Tryout Fee (optional)
Tryouts for U11 to U18 will occur on or after September 5th. Please note, players must attend all sessions. A $150.00 non-refundable fee will be charged to your member account on your September statement for those players attending tryouts.
** Those who sign up for rep “A” hockey will be charged the $150.00 fee
NOTE – “A” represents Rep (Tryouts), and “C” represents Hawks (No tryouts)
Coaching & Development Team Fees
These will be charged based on division, roster size and number of development sessions allocated to each team. To ensure that players are receiving top-end development at all levels, these fees will include:
- Professional Coaching fees (Rep & Female)
- Group Goalie Sessions
- Private Goalie specific development per team
- Dryland
- Educational sessions: mental training, nutritional seminars, future planning etc.
This allows for consistency in the program at all levels, and provides families with more transparency into the overall team cost, which will then be billed based on the final roster sizes. These fees will be finalized in October.
U11-U18 Hawks & Female C teams can expect lower team fees of between $300-$900, where rep teams can expect fees between $800-$2500 per player. These fees will be finalized in September 2023.
*Tyke/Novice/U6-U9 Team Development Fees included in Registration
Team Fees (Managed by the team with optional costs)
For all levels, parents will be asked to pay an additional team fee, based on the team budget developed by the team manager. A parent meeting must be held at the beginning of each season for the manager to present the proposed budget and seek parental input and approval. The budget must also be submitted to the NSWC Hockey Department for final approval. These fees are determined by the team and could include, but not limited to:
- On-ice Skill Development
- Tournament Expenses
- Referee Payments
- Additional team apparel
- Extra skill development or dryland sessions
- Team Building events
- Team photos
- Coaching software: video analysis
- Coach gifts
- Other team costs determined by the team
A $500 deposit will be charged on members’ June statement to hold the player’s spot. This will be fully refundable if your player makes a BC Hockey High-Performance team. The remainder of the Base Registration fee will be charged to your August statement.
A $150 non-refundable tryout fee will be charged to your member account on your September statement for those players attending tryouts. Registration for Tryouts on Game Time, click HERE.
The Coaching & Team Development fees will be charged in 3 equal installments, once roster sizes are finalized: Oct, Nov, Dec. If any families are in need of additional assistance, we encourage you to reach out so we can help to support your family.
If you have any questions about your statement, please contact accounting@nswc.ca.
Registration Refund Policy
The following refunds will be granted:
1. 100% until July 1st
2. 50% July 2nd – until the commencement of tryouts for the player’s respective age group
3. No refund will be issued once the Rep tryouts have begun for the player’s respective age group
4. 100% in the event the player succeeds in getting rostered to a BC Zone, Junior or Academy team.
5. 100% if there is no team offered in the player’s respective age group or if there is no rep team in the player’s respective age group and the player leaves to play at the rep level elsewhere.
Please send all registration questions and inquiries to registrar@nswc.ca
2023-2024 U9 Hockey
U7 – Season Start Up
Pre-Placement Phase – Free Skates – September 17th
All players in U7 will be given the chance to get back on the ice, and participate in one unevaluated “Free Skate.” Player groupings and times will be sent out closer to the date. Please bring your own jersey to wear for these skates, as no tryouts jersey will be required.
Player Placement Phase – September 18th-22nd
All players in U7 will undergo 1 practice, followed by 1game. Player groupings will be sent out closer to the date. After the final game, players will then be assigned to a grouping. Players will continue to be watched, and adjustment will be made as necessary to ensure players are with the proper grouping for maximum development.
U9 – Season Start Up
Pre-Placement Phase – Free Skates – September 9th & 10th
All players in U9 will be given the chance to get back on the ice, and participate in two unevaluated “Free skates”. Player groupings and times will be sent out closer to the date. Please bring your own jersey to wear for these skates, as no tryouts jersey will be required.
Player Placement Phase – September 11th – 16th
All players in U9 will undergo 2 practices, followed by 3games. Player groupings will be sent out closer to the date. After the final game, players will then be assigned to a grouping. Players will continue to be watched, and adjustment will be made as necessary to ensure players are with the proper grouping for maximum development.
Female Hockey
The NSWC Female Hockey Program is proud to present options for players of all ages and abilities.
North Shore Winter Club girls hockey is intent on providing a fun and enriching atmosphere with a goal to become a formative experience both on and off the ice for girls aged 4 to 18. The NSWC girls hockey program is designed to focus on hockey skill development at both the recreational and the highest competitive levels and bring girls together in a team setting where they can play together as friends and as teammates.
Our program has great momentum and is growing – come join us today!
AGES 4 – U9
Learn to skate (some padding recommended ) – all ages
Female only (or coed) Cookie Monster Hockey Programs Fall of 2022 (beginner Hockey in full gear catered to newer skaters ages 3-6)
Female U7 Hockey – Tyke PRincess Warriors (for 4-7 year olds)
Female U9 Hockey – Novice Princess Warriors (for the 7-9 year olds)
*Ask about potential registration discounts for new players *
U11 – U18
Female Teams Receive:
- BC Hockey & PCAHA Insurance & Player fees
- 2 practices & min. 1 game/week
- Player testing & Report Cards
- Professional Coaching
- On-ice Skills Programs & Development
- Goalie Specific Development
- Dryland Training
- Ongoing player/coach support & mentorship
- Education sessions: mental training, nutritional seminars, future planning, etc.
Ice Schedules
All programs have access to great ice times with private booking readily available.
We offer purpose-built smaller rinks with full sized nets for initiaion hockey and skill building. Lots of access to Open Hockey!
We also offer 4 off-ice shooting lanes wiht synthetic ice to allow players to shoot with skates on, and off-ice dryland training in specialized high performance training studios.
Private and Small Group Hockey Skills Development
The Development Team at the NSWC is pleased to offer individual skill development programs to players of all ages that will allow players to focus on improving their overall athleticism as well as their skills.
Private and Small Group Lessons provide players with a great opportunity to have specifically tailored instruction to promote rapid development toward individual training goals. Each lesson, or serious of lessons, will focus on improving specific player weaknesses while providing a greater understanding of overall game-play and strategies. View our programs here.
Female Hockey Coordinators: Melanie Jue and Kim Newell
With the massive growth and opportunities emerging in female hockey, the NSWC Hockey department has added a Female Coordinator lead by two of our Elite Development Coaches, Kim Newell and Melanie Jue.
Mel and Kim offer private, semi-private and group development sessions geared towards the female athlete. For more information regarding development, please visit our development page.
For more information regarding program registration, season details etc. please contact the female coordinator atfemalehockey@nswc.ca
U15 Selects Program
U15 PLAYERS BORN 2010 & 2011
The North Shore Winter Club (NSWC) is able to provide a HOME Club advantage with a unique pathway for players and professional skill development. Athletes will be provided the opportunity to continue to live at home, play at the highest PCAHA level, enter in prestigious AAA tournaments, attend their school of choice, and experience an affordable 360-degree development model, all while enjoying the benefits of NSWC membership.
The NSWC Select program will provide players with professional coaching, leading to individual development, and maximum exposure in order to try to reach their future goals as student-athletes at an Academy, BC Zone, Junior and/or college levels. We strive to create an environment that will produce well-rounded young hockey players, both on and off the ice. Education, leadership, respect and strong work ethic describe our Select program philosophy.
This is a nine-month intensive hockey program.
The Teams will participate within the PCAHA League at the Tier 1 level and augment the existing schedule by participating in U15 AAA tournaments (55 – 60 games).
Players choose to attend any secondary school, and may opt into the Peak program.
100 hours of practices and on-ice skill development lead by highly qualified professionals.
- 70 hours of off-ice sessions including dry-land training to improve strength and flexibility, lead by dedicated Strength & Conditioning coaches in the NSWC High Performance Training Studios, video analysis, and educational sessions (sports psychologist, nutritionist ) Includes a University Hockey tour.
- Access to the club’s medical personnel and wellness
For inquiries contact hockey@nswc.ca
Section 1: New Officials (Ages 11+)
Officials 11-17years of age (as of Dec 31st of the current year) are eligible to join the program.
We host a New officials clinic in late September or October depending on instructor and ice time availability. There is only ONE clinic annually. Please do not ask for additional options, there are none.
Fill it out Google form to be added to the next clinic invitation list: Form Link Here
ALL new officials have to complete an Online Pre-requisite called “Learning Lab”. The learning lab content is basic rules and information about Hockey. Most players over the age of 11 will be able to complete this course in 1.5-2 hours. You can choose to stop and start the course to break it up into segments if required.
New Officials In-Person clinics are the ONLY hosted by the Minor Hockey Associations to recruit and hire their New officials.
In-person clinics include two components:
- Component 1: In-classroom for theory, rules knowledge and Exam.
- Component 2: On-ice for positioning, puckdroping and physical skills instruction.
Both components are MANDATORY to pass the course.
After the New Officials Clinic expectations:
New officials in the age of 11-12 are deployed in the Hockey 2/3/4 (U7,U8, U9) games that are normally played on weekend mornings from 7 AM – 11 AM depending on the posted schedule. There are occasional evening games on both weekends and weekdays but not on a regular basis. It is extremely important that young new officials and parents have accurate expectations of what to come in their first years of officiating. The standard would include face offs, goals procedures and “penalties” which is a very loose term in Hockey 2/3/4 (U7,U8, U9).
New officials between the ages of 13-16 are normally deployed in Atom C (U11C) to start until they have become comfortable with the basics (Positioning and procedures such as Icings, Offsides, Penalties). They will then be moved into Atom Rep (U11A) or Peewee C (U13C) to gain experience in a more competitive environment.
Newer officials are generally used as Linespeople first than after some experience will get an opportunity to referee, if they are comfortable.
New officials between the age of 17-18 are normally deployed in U13C to start and get their “feet wet”. These officials normally pick up the basics pretty quick and move into U15/U18C and maybe some Rep, if they show signs of being comfortable quickly.
We aim to be as transparent as possible when it comes to expectations. Young first year officials will expect 2-3 games per month to start However that depends on your schedule being flexible and scheduled appropriately in our scheduling system in advance and frequently updated. We hire a large amount of first years because we generally see a 30-50% decline year over year until year 3. We have tried many strategies for recruitment such as lowering the number of officials to try and give more games to smaller groups but that generally backfires as most of the age group of young officials play on the same teams and have similar availability because of that and that requires us to have a larger group to fill games. In later years (Years 3,4 and later) games will become more available because of the officials age and comfort for the job improve year over year.
Expectation to invest in affordable equipment.
Officials require another set of equipment such as a helmet with visor, whistle, skates that don’t translate to their playing equipment in a small duffle bag.
Required Equipment:
Helmet – Black with CSA Approved half shield visor (Oakleys are not CSA approved visors)
Skates – Must be player skates. No goaltender skates permitted. Toe spike is a hazard for players that might fall into an official’s feet in a puck battle.
Black Pants (suggested waterproof pants) – These can be snow pants, or track pants they can even be Team pants but THEY CANNOT have ANY team related Logos or Text. Player name and number is okay, if need be.
Jersey: Any vertically striped referee jersey is okay but I’d suggest you buy one with snap on armbands. Can be found at any local and sometimes on second platforms such as marketplace and similar.
Other equipment recommended:
Small Shin pads (like ball hockey, mountain bike or even soccer shin guards is a great place to start)
Elbow pads: does not need to be playing elbows but something small and light weight is all you need.
Certification is ANNUALLY REQUIRED to maintain the official certification.
Returning Officials clinics are hosted by BC Hockey annually between September and November (known as Clinic Season). To find instructions in later years please refer to the next section.
Section 2: Returning Officials – Regular returnees
Returning officials over the age of 18 require a Criminal Record check every 3 years. The registration will prompt you if your CRC is outdated and requires an update.
Once registered and clinic is attended and passed, you are good to start working games. Officials that certified the previous year can work assignments prior to their clinic completion. Please see my highlighted note below.
Reminder – Officials certification is 1.5 years in duration. When an official certifies in October of 2023, that certification is active until Dec 31st 2024.
Returning officials must maintain certification to extend the certification beyond the 1.5 year threshold. Annually BC Hockey hosts returning official clinics from Sep through November across the province.
Link to find active BC Hockey courses
Section 3: Returning Officials – Extended time away
Officials that previously Officiated under Hockey Canada in the past (2000 and onwards) require their Hockey Canada Registry number.
Contact BC Hockey Head office at Clinics@bchockey.net, to find out your HCR # from the archives. You need this to register with any previous certification experience. Without this information you will have to start from scratch as a brand new official.
Reminder – Officials certification is 1.5 years in duration. When an official certifies in October of 2023, that certification is active until Dec 31st 2024.
Returning officials must maintain certification to extend the certification beyond the 1.5 year threshold. Annually BC Hockey hosts returning official clinics from Sep through November across the province.
Link to find active BC Hockey courses:
Section 4: Resources
NSWC Applicants List: Click here
BC Hockey Criminal Record Check
Reminder – Officials certification is 1.5 years in duration. When an official certifies in October of 2023, that certification is active until Dec 31st 2024.
Returning officials must maintain certification to extend the certification beyond the 1.5 year threshold. Annually BC Hockey hosts returning official clinics from Sep through November across the province.