Member Update – May 8, 2020

CLUB UPDATE – May 8, 2020
Thank you for your patience as we continue to navigate these challenging times. The Board and Management have been diligently engaged in a formal decision making process and have made considerations based on ongoing discussions with the Provincial Health Authorities, other private clubs and a number of other industries in developing club reopening strategies. These strategies will align with return to play recommendations provided by governing Sports bodies in BC and Canada. We endeavor to be united with other comparable facilities and employ a commonality by following the same guidelines, protocols and procedures that protect the integrity of the participant and the sport. While we strive to be as organized as possible so we can return to full operations, we understand there will be inconsistencies that we will continue to manage.
After careful consideration, we are excited to be able to announce that the Board has motioned to gradually reopen the Club, starting with tennis, racquetball and squash on Wednesday, May 13. We will be opening with new safety protocols & policies in place that will be very strictly monitored and enforced. Before you decide to book to play, we ask that you read over the complete document detailing the preventative and protective measures that have been taken in order to prepare our facility for your return.
Our Phase One hours of operation will have the club open at 8:45am and close at 9:00pm, meaning all members must have vacated the building by 9:00pm. The Café will offer take-out food between the hours of 12:00pm – 7:00pm, seven days a week. The rest of the Club remains closed at this stage.
The reopening of other activities, such as ice access, pool, fitness and a fully operational food and beverage program, as well as extending our hours of operation, will be based on current health regulations as well as our collective success in ensuring staff and member safety. While different health authorities appear to be providing individual guidance, the club falls within the purview of Vancouver Coastal Health and, while we are continuously reaching out to them for information, no clear guidelines in regards to hockey have been provided as of yet. It is our hope that all of these activities will be available to the membership in the coming weeks. At this time, we are aiming for the following opening dates:
May 20 – Ice Rinks
May 25 – Fitness
June 1 – Tiki Deck/Lounge & Pool
More details to come!
The safety of our Members, employees, and community is paramount, and we are being very prudent with our steps to ensure we work under the direction we’ve been given so we can help to reduce, support the control of, and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Health authorities have stated that in order to operate in the current context, we must not operate our restaurant for more than take out service, and must not host mass gatherings involving more than 50 people (but could have more than 50 people on site if social distancing is being observed).
We will ensure we provide extra sanitizing stations and ensure members and staff are able to follow social distancing recommendations to stay 2 meters apart while on site. Staff or members who are sick, will be sent home. We will follow routine cleaning practices with enhanced cleaning of high-touch surfaces and shared items. There may be additional measures specific to the various sporting environment that we will implement to further reduce risk COVID-19 transmission.
Please note that the COVID-19 situation is ever-changing, and Board and Management may adjust operations as required. We hope you can appreciate the value of this process and we thank you for your patience as we take the time to do the right thing.
- If you are sick or have any Covid-19 symptoms whatsoever, you are not allowed to come to the club
- Each member visiting the Club for activities must fill out two (2) forms, ONE TIME ONLY: the online waiver and self declaration form. Click HERE for the WAIVER, click HERE for the SELF DECLARATION FORM. For Members under 18, a parent or guardian must fill out the forms on their behalf.
- These must be filled out before visiting the Club. Club access will not be permitted if you have not filled out the forms.
- Only members who have pre-booked will be allowed access to the club and must check-in at Member Services. Children of players will not be allowed access if they are not booked to participate in activities.
- Members must follow the recommended physical distancing requirements of staying two meters (six feet) apart at all times.
- Members may enter the club 15 mins prior to their booking, and must vacate the club immediately after their activity booking ending. If you arrive earlier, please wait in your car in the parking lot.
- Regular parking is available. Valid parking stickers are required.
- Avoid parking next to another car in the club’s lot whenever possible.
- Members must utilize the hand sanitizer dispenser before entering the Clubhouse. Hand sanitizing stations will be provided throughout various areas for members to sanitize their hands before and after play.
- Washroom access will be limited. No locker room, steam room, sauna or shower access will be permitted. Please arrive for your activity pre-dressed for play.
- If you need items from your locker please contact Member Services in advance to set up an appointment to clear their locker
- Members will be required to bring their own water/water bottles, towels and necessary equipment.
- Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a caregiver or adult who actively supervises at all time. Immediate family only. One parent supervisor only needed per pre-booked group.
- Restrictions on Club access
- No guests or non-members allowed access until further notice
- No reciprocal, non-residents allowed access until further notice
- No outside functions booked until further notice
- Booking access will only be permitted to members that are in Good Standing. Members accounts must be current within 60 days, or have a pre-arranged payment plan set up with the Accounts Manager, Kristeen DeGobbi, (778-588-9491)
Members who do not follow the protocol set out here and below will be subject to immediate suspension by Management.
On April 30, Tennis BC provided specific guidelines for a number of areas relating to return to play and court re-opening, including court access, personal sanitation, and how to optimize facilities to adhere to physical distancing recommendations. Based on that information serving as our guide, the Club has developed a strategy that will allow us to gradually resume operations in a manner that is consistent with public health recommendations.
- Tennis will begin on Wednesday, May 13 for recreational play at this time.
- Game Time bookings will open at 9:00am Monday May 11. All bookings must be made online or by calling Member Services.
- ALL names need to be booked in Game Time as only those listed are allowed to play.
- Tennis will be limited to court bookings, private lessons or lessons with small groups.
- Entrance via staircase or elevator for roof top courts, via lower lobby for lower courts. Exit through the West side of the club via Lynnmouth.
- Entrances and exits will be marked with arrows to ensure proper flow. There will be a staff member on site acting as a monitor and to help monitor the flow
- Players arriving for their court booking or lesson must wait on the adjacent patio or tennis lobby, complying with the social distancing measures; please only arrive 15 minutes early, max.
- No access to Sr. locker room facilities. Junior bathrooms will be available on lower floor outside courts 1-4, and upper level bathrooms will be available for players on outdoor courts 8-11. Please shower at home.
- Please bring your own water, water bottle & towel.
- All score tenders will be removed
- Members Open Play: access will be limited to outdoor courts 8-11 and indoor courts 1-4. Bookings will be limited to 1 hour 15 minute sessions with a with a 15-minute gap between each time slot to allow for sanitization and to ensure physical distancing measures.
- Courts will be available Monday – Sunday, 9:00am-9:00pm for open play.
- Note: Court 8 is still undergoing repairs. We will be temporarily offering Pickleball on this court until the court is available for full tennis play. Singles or Household Doubles for Pickleball only.
- No block bookings will be permitted.
- Singles and Doubles permitted for tennis play.
- Limited to 2 court times per week per member (privates do not count towards 2x/week).
- Juniors are permitted to book courts between 9am – 6pm.
- Players must bring own balls marked with initials and are not allowed to touch other players’ equipment during play.
- Please keep warm-ups to 5 mins, as court time is restricted to one hour and 15 minutes.
- BOTs will not be tolerated and any use thereof will result in suspension of booking privileges.
- Cancellation notice of 24 hours will be strictly enforced. No shows and late cancellations will be charged $25, and will count towards one of your weekly booking allocations.
- Courts not booked after 6pm the day before, can be booked (will not count towards 2x/week)
- The Ball machine is NOT available
- Private Lessons: Courts 5-7 are to be used for tennis lessons only and booked through the pro. Lessons will be available 6:00am – 9:00pm. Access to these courts will be with an escort from tennis pro in and out. No exceptions.
- Balls will be provided for group lessons, Pros are responsible for picking up balls throughout lessons with the use of a hopper; members are not to pick up lesson balls
- Group will be limited to a ratio of 4:1 (player:coach)
- No programs or lessons on courts 1-4 or 8-11
- Summer program registration begins on May 12. Members only! There will be restricted capacities, so sign up as soon as you can.
- Tennis Activity Fee has been paid through June 30th. A pro-rated fee for balance of 2020, will be charged effective July 1st.
- Squash & racquetball will begin on Wednesday, May 13.
- Courts will be available from 9:00am – 9:00pm. The courts will be available for either solo hitting, or a match comprising members of the same household.
- Courts must be booked by calling Member Services at 604-985-4135.
- Players should refrain from wiping hands/sweat on walls
- Players must bring their own balls.
- Food take-out will begin on Wednesday May 13.
- This service is available from 12pm – 7pm.
- The to-go menu is available HERE
- Orders can be placed by phoning Member Services at 604-985-4135.
- Payments by credit card or debit will be accepted only.
- Members must advise as to when they would like to pick up their order. Food orders will be available to pick up on the table near the Member Services area.
- If the food is not yet ready, members are permitted to wait in the lobby area, while observing physical distancing.
- Members must exit through the main entrance door, ensuring physical distancing from anyone entering the Club.
What cleaning and sanitation measures has the Club put in place?
The Club has implemented a number of increased cleaning protocols. Plexi-glass guards will be installed in key communication and transactional areas, an increased number of hand sanitizer dispensers have been placed throughout the Clubhouse, and staff attendants will be available to support member traffic, ensure appropriate physical distancing is observed, and to wipe down high contact points before and after play. Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment will be available to all employees, and staff will receive training on COVID-19 safety and sanitation protocols.
Will there be a further reduction in dues?
The Board of Directors approved a 25% reduction in dues, effective April 1st, one of the first clubs in the Lower Mainland to lower their dues. On April 27, NSWC applied for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy program. The application is currently under review and we expect to hear from the CRA by mid May. Please understand that this government support is only for wage subsidies, and it can only be used to pay staff wages, not to offset member dues. For the benefit of the staff and the club, we are trying to maximize this government support, thus ensuring we can get as much funding to cover wages as possible; this has allowed us to not only keep staff employed, but also get extra projects done around the club during the closure.
All other expenses have been reduced to a minimum, but our member dues do not cover all of these fixed costs such as necessary wages, taxes, utilities, insurance, etc. Some of these costs can be deferred but they will need to be paid at some point. Much of the club’s revenues come from programming, and as these are not happening, and we don’t know when they will be back to normal, we still rely on dues revenues. Additionally, we do not know the true revenue impact created by the gradual reopening concept, but it will be managed closely.
What are the future gradual reopening plans?
We are currently working on detailed plans for the near future that will involve other areas of our club, provided members and staff continue to remain vigilant and adhere to the COVID-19 mitigation strategies. Return to play regulations and clear guidelines will need to be factored in to allow us to provide a safe and positive environment for all participants before we can reopen. These plans will be based on the Provincial government and SportBC recommendations to include the ice rinks, pool, fitness, programs, food & beverage services, outdoor seating, etc
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we transition to gradual reopening. We will update members weekly, whether or not there are changes.
Stay healthy… and we are excited to welcome you back to YOUR club!
Joanna Hayes | NSWC General Manager
James Cronk | NSWC Board President