NSWC Hockey Update – Private Lessons

Hockey Private Lessons
Private lessons will be starting on Monday May 25th!
Click HERE to view our updated Development team list with contact information and rates. We ask that members email the coaches directly to set up private lessons. These private lessons can have up to 4 players maximum (players can be from different households).
Coaches have been assigned ice slots to run private lessons.
- Click HERE to view the private lesson schedule for May 25-31.
- Click HERE to view the private lesson schedule June 1 -7.Coaches will be booking each private lesson through gametime so you should be receiving email confirmations when the private lesson is officially booked. These MUST be done to be able to enter the facility.
Important items to remember before coming down to the club
- Can only arrive 15-20 minutes before ice time
- Must have filled out our online Declaration Form
- Must have filled out our Waiver form (please email your copy to the front desk)
- Come fully dressed if 16 and under
- Must have an adult accompanied if player is 12 and under
- Pink Arrows: Entrance to Large ice and HTC; as well as EXIT from all rinks.
- Yellow Arrows: Entrance to Small ice
Changing Areas:
- Small Ice
- Step 1: Put skates on in Family Dressing room
- Step 2: Must take all gear out to the small ice during session. Place at assigned seating areas (chairs with green X’s on seat)
- Step 3: after ice session, you may take your skates off at designated seats below the small ice viewing area
- Step 4: exit arena following pink arrows
- HTC:
- Step 1: Follow Pink arrows to HTC
- Step 2: put skates on at free seating area labelled by “A” or “B” out beside the ice
- Step 3: Exit HTC following Pink arrows along the large ice bleachers
- Large Ice:
- Scoreboard End:
- Rooms #7 or #8
- Must enter the rink by walking out near room #9.
- Exit after ice session by walking out to the large ice rink and along the bleachers
- Viewing Area End:
- Rooms #1 or #2
- Must enter the rink by walking along the ramp under the large ice viewing area
- Exit after ice session by walking up the stairs to the hockey hallway
- Scoreboard End:
Still to come…. We will be launching small group programming to run on weekends! More information on the program info will be released next week. These will be run by development coaches, and you will be able to register on gametime (just like our regular programs). More details to come!
If you have any questions or concerns about private lesson bookings, feel free to reach out to Emily Allen at eallen@nswc.ca
Thank you,
NSWC Management