PHO Covid-19 Update: Nov 19, 2020

Dear Members
By order and direction of the PHO, all individuals, places of work and businesses in B.C. must significantly reduce social interactions and travel.
The order is in effect from November 19, 2020 at midnight to December 7, 2020 at midnight.
Thank you for your patience and leadership as we navigate the many grey areas together.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why are these restrictions in place?
A: There are an increasing number of cases occurring in the Vancouver Coastal and Fraser Health regions. These targeted actions have been put in place in order to ensure that we flatten the curve and essential services can remain open. The restrictions in place are based on data of where Health has seen transmission of the virus.
Q: What are the new mask requirements?
A: Masks are now required for everyone in all public indoor settings, all retail stores and workplaces.
- Masks may be removed when seated at a table in a restaurant or when engaging in athletic activity where physical distancing can be maintained.
- Employers are expected to enforce the mandatory mask policy with both employees and customers.
- A customer can be refused entry or service if they do not wear a mask.
NSWC: Masks remain mandatory in all areas of the Club except when seated at a table in the cafe or lounge areas or participating in an activity where physical distancing can be maintained. All minor hockey players must continue to wear their CCM game on mask under their helmets when on the ice with players outside core bubbles or immediate household.
Q: What activities are allowed while this order is in place?
A: Activities in the Vancouver Coastal and Fraser Health regions that are allowed to continue include:
- Outdoor sports activities.
- Indoor, sport activities that can maintain physical distancing.
- All activities must remain within the boundaries of their regional health authority.
- Sports and physical activities occurring in the school environment.
- Tennis: Tennis programs and play remains the same. If you cannot ensure social distancing of 2 metres, a mask must be worn.
- Hockey: We will continue to follow the guidelines of the Nov 7th update until we hear otherwise.
Q: What restrictions are in place for organizations offering fitness activities?
A: the order states: “No person or municipality may provide or host and no person may participate in an indoor sport unless the sport involves no physical contact between the participants.” Organizations that operate high risk indoor group physical activities must suspend the following activities.
- Spin classes, hot yoga and high intensity interval training (HIIT) group classes are suspended.
- Dance studios, martial arts and cheerleading can continue operating under new guidelines that are currently being developed.
- Can I still use the gym/fitness centre?
A: Gyms and recreation facilities that offer individual workouts and personal training sessions can remain open as long as they have a COVID-19 Safety Plan that is strictly followed.
NSWC: The gym is open as usual. Group classes are still suspended at this time.
Q: What about games, competitions and practices?
A: Following Dr. Bonnie Henry’s press conference on November 19, 2020, the PCAHA is working with both BC Hockey and ViaSport to interpret the new restrictions and provide more clarity on the next steps for teams and Associations.
All hockey games are still prohibited within the Lower Mainland until at least November 23. At this time, we continue to operate under Phase 2 practices and development/skill sessions (keeping 2 meters apart on the ice and on the bench). BC Hockey has been in conversation with viaSport since the announcement and has been informed that viaSport will be providing relevant clarifications on Friday, November 20. We will keep you updated on all developments as they come available.
NSWC: Minor and Senior Men’s hockey games are suspended at this time. Open hockey is allowed for same household only. Programs and practices must adhere to 2 metre distancing rules at all times.
Q: What restrictions are in place for spectators?
A: No spectators are allowed at any sport activities under the Order. The only people allowed to attend sport activities are those necessary to provide care to a participant or player. For example, providing first aid. Only approved team officials are permitted to be at practice or skill sessions.
NSWC: No spectators are allowed in any of the Club’s viewing areas. All viewing areas remain closed.
Q: What are the travel restrictions while this Order is in place?
A: At this time, all non-essential travel should be avoided. This includes travel into and out of B.C. and between regions of the province. For example:
- Do not travel for a vacation
- Do not travel to visit friends or family outside of your household or core bubble
Travel to, from and between regions for athletic activities like games, competitions, training and practice is restricted under this order. For example:
- A team from Abbotsford cannot attend a training session in Chilliwack
- A team from Victoria cannot attend a practice in Richmond
- We are currently waiting on Viasport for further instruction.
NSWC: We ask that those members that do not live in the Vancouver Coastal region do not travel to our Club until the order has been lifted by the PHO.
Q: What is essential travel?
A: Individual circumstances may affect whether a particular trip is considered essential or non-essential. Essential travel within B.C. includes:
- Regular travel for work within your region
- Travel for things like medical appointment and hospital visits
For example, if you live in Vancouver and work in Surrey you can continue to commute.
Q: Are there any Exemptions on this travel Order?
A: Coaches and officials can commute between the Fraser and Vancouver Coastal Health Regions for their work/sport activities, whether it is a volunteer or paid position. High performance athletes and their coaches are permitted to travel to, from and between the Fraser and Vancouver Coastal Health regions. High performance athletes are individuals that have been identified to a targeted athlete list with Canadian Sport Institute Pacific by their PSO or NSO.
Q: How does this Order affect Restaurants and bars?
A: The Order does not impact restaurants and bars. Restaurants and bars can continue to operate as long as they have a COVID-19 Safety Plan and employee protocols in place.
- You should only visit a restaurant with people in your household or ‘core bubble’. Remember, a maximum of six people at a table
- Reservations for private parties that include more than one household or ‘core bubble’ must be cancelled.
NSWC: Operations at the club in our food and beverage areas remain the same.
Q: What is considered a ‘Core bubble’?
A: For most people, their core bubble is their immediate household. For others, their core bubble may contain a partner, relative, friend or co-parent who lives in a different household. This should be a maximum of two people outside of those living in your immediate household.
An immediate household is:
- A group of people who live in the same dwelling. For example:
- If you have a rental suite in your home, the suite is a separate household
- If you live in an apartment or house with roommates, you are all members of the same household
Q: How are these new Orders going to be enforced?
A: During a public health emergency under the Public Health Act, the PHO can make orders as needed. You must follow the orders. Under the Government’s Emergency Program Act, some orders can be enforced by police, other compliance and enforcement officials, and NSWC staff. People who don’t follow these orders could be faced with club privileges suspension and/or incur government fines.
WorkSafeBC will be conducting inspections to verify that COVID-19 Safety Plans remain effective. Facilities and restaurants that are noncompliant with plan requirements may face orders and fines, and possible referral to public health which may result in a closure order.
NSWC: Failure to follow the Club’s rules and PHO orders may result in the loss of Club privileges.
Q: What happens after December 7th?
A: The office of the PHO will continue to review the data and rates of transmission in order to make an informed decision on whether it is appropriate to lift, modify or extend the restrictions.
We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as the rules change, and appreciate your strict adherence to these Orders, so that we can all stay safe and help to flatten the curve. We all want to return to our physical and social activities. For full details, click HERE
Joanna Hayes | General Manager