PHO Order: Dec 2, 2002

Dear Members
On December 2, 2020, BC’s provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry made some amendments to current restrictions because of the surge of Covid 19 cases in our province. As we wait for more clarity regarding these changes, we have been updated with the following that will have an immediate impact on some of the Club’s operations:
PHO Order: Adult Indoor and Outdoor Team Sports.
All indoor and outdoor sports for people 19 years of age and older are suspended.
- Senior Men’s: all games are cancelled moving forward until the PHO is lifted.
- Ladies Adult Skills: sessions are cancelled until further notice.
- Adult group skating/hockey private lessons: are suspended until further notice.
- Tennis: will remain open until further advised by Tennis BC or ViaSport. Distancing is imperative, and singles play only is strongly suggested. Please remember to wipe down anything you touch, before and after, and leave immediately after your match.
- Racquetball & Squash: will remain open. Distancing is imperative and because of the enclosed space, two people maximum, same household only.
PHO Order: Youth Indoor and Outdoor Team Sports.
All organized indoor and outdoor sports for people under 19 years of age must follow via Sport’s Return to Sport Phase 2 guidance with respect to maintaining physical distance for participants. This means games, tournaments and competitions are temporarily suspended for teams.
- Hockey Games: all current and future scrimmage games are cancelled.
- Practices: t eams may continue team practices in phase 2 which includes social distanced drills with no scrimmage or contact play.
- Practices, Programs and Private Lessons: are allowed to continue but we must ensure physical distancing measures are in place and being followed.
- Open Hockey: available for members but can only include same household members.
We are still waiting on further updates from BC Hockey and will communicate those as soon as we can.
We will wait to hear a further update from the PHO this afternoon and will update the membership of any additional changes once they are set and in writing by the BC government.
Thank you for your patience.
Joanna Hayes | General Manager