NSWC Public

Relocation / Renovation Update

Dear Members,

As reported on July 18th, the pre-application for the rezoning of our current lands made it onto the July 22nd District of North Vancouver Council Meeting agenda. This was a critical step in the relocation process, because without the rezoning of our lands, relocation would not be possible.

Unfortunately, the DNV Council did not vote in favour of this pre-application to rezone our property.  While this was very disappointing, it was not unexpected given this Council’s publicly stated views to drastically reduce development (and traffic) on the North Shore.  

So what does this mean?

In order for the NSWC to raise the funds needed to build a new club, we do need our property rezoned, and given this Council’s position, it is very unlikely that they will pass any rezoning application of our lands during their current term (3 years left on their term).  That said, our Relocation Committee will continue to seek out long-term relocation opportunities, albeit in a reduced effort and expense. We have not given up hope and we continue to believe that relocation will happen ‘one day’.

However, and as communicated throughout the “Relocation or Renovation” information sessions/process with Membership, we will now focus our efforts toward continued improvements and renovations to our existing facilities.

During the “Renovation or Relocation” process we sought out and captured a great deal of valuable information. We conducted member surveys, staff surveys, a non-member survey conducted by Nielsen Canada and we also worked with several consultants on what a new club would require to be successful.  This information, combined with some future initiatives, will be used by Staff, Committees and the Board to determine where the funds will be put to use and when. Stay tuned for communications, call to actions and survey requests over the coming weeks, so you can remain informed and hopefully help with the future evolution of the Club.

How we all can help!

While it is very exciting to hear that we are looking to make upgrades and potential additions to our existing facilities, we will endeavor to spend our limited funds wisely, efficiently, and as effectively as possible.

However, we know already that to make all the upgrades Members would like to see, additional funds will be required. That means that additional volunteerism and more fundraising efforts is needed. It will take a great team effort to get us where we all want to be, but the good news is that the Club has over a 60 year history and tradition of Members and Staff doing what they need to do to continue our success, and we are confident our current team will be up for the challenges that lie ahead.  


The Board and I would like to send out a tremendous thank you to all the volunteers and staff that helped work on our “Relocation or Renovation” efforts. They are not done, but efforts to date are worth our sincerest gratitude. From the original Relocation Committee formed 7 years ago, to Member industry professionals that donated their pro bono time, to all the Members that participated in the focus groups and surveys our sincere thanks. The passion and spirit you’ve displayed is what helps make our Club such a fabulous place for our families to spend their time.

More to come…..


Jay Frezell

NSWC President