Tennis Booking Procedures Update – Feb 4, 2021

Dear Tennis Members
As you know, with the update of moving to singles only tennis, we have had to adapt court bookings by reducing allotted court time which maximizes the number of times available for members to book courts. We have developed and evolved our new policies in the spirit of member equity and fairness and we appreciate your cooperation and respect of these policies.
Below are some updates to Tennis booking procedures effective Feb 7, 2020:
- Max 4 advanced bookings per member per week. Max 2 PRIME TIME advanced bookings per week. (Sunday to Saturday)
- NEW Prime Times: 6pm-9pm, Monday – Saturday
- No restrictions on bookings 24 hours in advance (does not count towards max booking allotment)
- Members will not be able to make changes to their existing bookings within 24 hour (online only). Please call Member Services (604-985-4135) to make changes.
- NEW Junior Times (only Juniors can book in advance)
- Saturdays 3pm, 4pm, 5pm (Court 1 only);
- Sundays 12pm, 1pm, 2pm (Court 1 only).
- Courts can be booked by tennis members within 24 hours if available.
Booking Reminders:
- Do not book courts back-to-back during prime time (unless it’s same day)
- Do not book more than one court at the same time. You are likely booking/holding for another person, and trying to manipulate the system, and it won’t be tolerated.
- Do not book full tennis playing members as guests.
- Please arrive on time for your court booking, do not arrive early.
These changes are for the benefit of all our tennis members. Please review these rules and continue to follow them. Those found abusing the court booking process will be penalized.
Thank you,
Fabio Walker & the Tennis Committee