Travel Advisory Clarification: Nov 19, 2020

Dear Members.
As per the recent Travel Advisory Order that was put out on November 19, 2020, it was stated that all non-essential travel should be avoided. This includes travel into and out of B.C. and between regions of the province. For example:
- Do not travel for a vacation
- Do not travel to visit friends or family outside of your household or core bubble
After further discussions with Service BC, they have clarified that while non-essential travel is urgently requested, it is not prohibited. We have also been advised that as physical exercise is considered important for one’s health and mental well-being, coming to the club to play tennis, workout at the gym, or go for a skate, following the club’s COVID policies, is permitted.
We recommend that you make the best decision for yourself and your family, and err on the side of caution, but ALL members are welcome at the club.
Thank you for your patience as we navigate and ensure we’re following the correct protocols. There is another call planned for Tuesday afternoon with BC Hockey and ViaSport where further clarification for Minor Hockey & Senior Men’s will be sought for game play at the club, and we will keep you updated.
Thank you,
Joanna Hayes | General Manager